Sally King Designs

Genene has loved Sally King’s designs right from the beginning and has done most of them!

The first is BFC1065 Sally King’s Leaf Fairy – 2 Versions.  Genene used a pretty green batik for thefirst one and added Embroidery Gliter for the second one.


Sally’s Cupcakes are really fun designs to use.  They of course work for birthdays, but try adding them an apron and other kitchen linens for a bright fun kitchen atmosphere.

BFC1188 Sally King’s Cupcakes Part 1

BFC1199 Sally King’s Cupcakes Part 2


Flamingos Anyone?

From Donna:

*No one else has designs as lovely as yours. I have many I have not done yet but here is one of my favorites.It is hanging in my kitchen right now. *

Thank you Donna! Your fabric frame really brings out the colors in the Flamingo Wall Hanging.  Beautiful!  I’m sure it really brightens up  your kitchen. ..Suz


BFC0645 Window-Flamingo Paradise

Donnely’s Projects

Donnely: *The little fox is done on antique satin, I had to remove the binding two times, so it is a little off kilter, but since he will be hanging on my wall I am okay with it.
I did the reeader case many years ago even got a 2nd place ribbon for it at the fair. It has been well used and washed many times.
thanks again for such awesome designs!
Enjoy the day

BFC1595 Large Red Fox

UPDATE:  I thought I would let you know that I won a Blue Ribbon for “Large Red Fox” at our Fair last week. I was so excited, I was told that many people loved the design. thank you for creating such a well thought out design.


BFC0405 Art Nouveau QuiltSquares III


Beautiful Pictures…

Donna came across our BLOG recently and sent me photos of two of her projects.

The first is our Stained Glass Pheasant.  I love the way Donna used the small butterflies to make a top for the picture – it really gives it all a nice finish.

BFC0635 Stained Glass- Pheasant

I’m going to hold off on posting Donna’s second project.  When I get a photo to post, I first find the set on the site so I can get the link, etc.  I couldn’t find it!  I thought it must not be in the right category.  Not remembering the name made it harder.  I enlisted Rick’s help and we looked at everything we could until something dawned on me.  I still had Donna’s history in our database so I looked up her purchases and immediate saw *A spring Afternoon*.  Yes – that’s the right set.  So back to the site – it’s not there!  So we had to start looking in our original site (we luckily saved everything from the old site – pictures, web pages, etc.).  We found it, but then found out it was actually 4 separate sets having different options!  This is going to take some figuring on how to add this to the new site!  We must have set it aside when we entered everything…that will teach us!!

Thanks Donna!!!


A very creative Stained Glass Wall Hanging

From Mary

“Here is the stained glass window i made with your stained glass birds

and butterflies.  The top is my own design.  I hope to sell it at a

craft sale.  I loved the designs.  Thank you for them.”


Wow – talk about creative!  Beautiful job Mary.  We have many sets of stained glass squares that this would work for.  The top can be made like Mary did or use pretty fabric that goes with the designs.

BFC1494 Stained Glass Squares Birds and Butterflies

Embroidery on Wheels!

I was totally amazed when Lola sent me pictures of some recent embroideries.  We often have preconceived ideas of how embroidery can be used and forget to think beyond those boundaries.  I will try to never do that again!!  Wonderful creativity Lola.

BFC1243 Waratah Rose Window

Lola also made some great seat belt covers:

I love the way she used designs from the above Rose Window and added to them.

Decorative Portrait of a Bull

From Pamela:

“Couldn’t get into your blog,  but wanted to share the 15×16 bull on black velvet,  commissioned by a coworker to take back for his brother on a visit home to India. GORGEOUS!!!

(NOTE:  I don’t yet have the BLOG setup for postings (getting spam taken care of first).  Just email me any project you would like to have on the BLOG. )

BFC1589 Large Decorative Portrait of a Bull