Jannie’s new Rose Windows

Jannie chose one of my favorite designs.  I love your colors Jannie!  They totally change the look of the design.

BFC0894 Stained Glass-Art Nouveau Circle in a Square

Jannie also stitched our Italian Rose Window.  These two are a LOT of stitches!!!!  great accomplishment.

BFC1159 QIH or Reg Italian Rose Window

Alta’s Art Nouveau Stained Glass

When I asked Alta if I could post her project photo, she replied:

Yes!  I would be proud to share it!  The money plant came from my garden!  Lynn, my daughter-in-law, had never seen one so I made her a bouquet!  Vase belonged to my Grandmother!  They have cathedral ceilings in their dining room so this was quite at home on that high wall! She has given me permission to have you share it!!!

I think this project looks stunning!  Alta, you did a beautiful job stitching and putting this project together and the frame you chose is perfect.  I can imagine a lot of people stopping to admire that place in your daughter-in-law’s home.




Colleen’s Graceful Vase

Hello Suz

Well I did complete the wall hanging of Graceful Vase.  Have to say that I really should have repeated the top six silk blocks too as they are very slightly narrower than the others which I completed on cotton.  Was very determined and from a distance it doesn’t look too bad, especially if the ‘looker’ is not an embroiderer or quilter.

Thanks for the help

Colleen –  I like the long rod – it balances the wall hanging really nicely.  Suz

BFC0942 QIH or Regular Stained Glass Graceful Vase

Donnely’s Projects

Donnely: *The little fox is done on antique satin, I had to remove the binding two times, so it is a little off kilter, but since he will be hanging on my wall I am okay with it.
I did the reeader case many years ago even got a 2nd place ribbon for it at the fair. It has been well used and washed many times.
thanks again for such awesome designs!
Enjoy the day

BFC1595 Large Red Fox

UPDATE:  I thought I would let you know that I won a Blue Ribbon for “Large Red Fox” at our Fair last week. I was so excited, I was told that many people loved the design. thank you for creating such a well thought out design.


BFC0405 Art Nouveau QuiltSquares III