I am very intrigued by this wreath and have been as possible before purchasing. Do any of the files associated with the leaves and/or flowers suggest the use of mylar as well? I looked at the size charts and see the number of thread colors and just wasn’t sure. I saw where mylar is a
possibility on the autumn wreath.I have never used mylar to embroider with before and thought it might be fun! I want to do something unique for my interior office door.
I wanted to share. I used your creations and changed some colors and added a butterfly, bumble and ladybug. This going up on my office door at work. You can bet down the road I will be getting the Fall and Christmas wreaths as well!Thank you!
Sonya – I love the 3 additions you made!!! They really make the wreath pop. thanks so much for such a great job-Suz
Sonya’s Wreath for her office

That’s really lovely and so vibrant. Well done.