Especially for me

After creating designs for the website for over 14 years, I occasionally want to do something I want.  LOL  That is how the current Myth and Mystery Lady came to be.  I saw her and just had to create a design like her.  It’s funny, I must not have popular likes and dislikes as usually the designs I like the best don’t sell.  LOL  Hmmm… Maybe I should wonder about that.  No – probably best I don’t.   I will just enjoy her hanging on my wall.

BFC1739 Myth and Mystery

3 thoughts on “Especially for me”

  1. I absolutely love her! So excited that you created her. Looking forward to creating many items with her on them.

  2. Hi Jo Anne, Email me the picture with as much or little information that you want to share about it. They I will post it. I still have the BLOG set up where only I can post – we average about 20 spam comments a day so I don’t dare open it up 🙂

    Thanks Jo Anne!

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