After creating designs for the website for over 14 years, I occasionally want to do something I want. LOL That is how the current Myth and Mystery Lady came to be. I saw her and just had to create a design like her. It’s funny, I must not have popular likes and dislikes as usually the designs I like the best don’t sell. LOL Hmmm… Maybe I should wonder about that. No – probably best I don’t. I will just enjoy her hanging on my wall.

I absolutely love her! So excited that you created her. Looking forward to creating many items with her on them.
Suz, how do I post picture on this site?
Hi Jo Anne, Email me the picture with as much or little information that you want to share about it. They I will post it. I still have the BLOG set up where only I can post – we average about 20 spam comments a day so I don’t dare open it up 🙂
Thanks Jo Anne!