Sharon’s Tiffany – The Empty Tomb

Finished !!! and am happy with it 😊 I don’t love the picture of it under glass and on a snowy grey day – doesn’t really do it justice – but then we are always our worst critics. I am taking it to Show&Tell at my Embrodiery Group on Tuesday – thanks for such a beautiful design and I had ordered the colours from you as well and I think I had them all except two or three and was able to find close matches. Stay blessed and thanks again. LOL _PS I just looked at it again and is not near as vibrant in the picture  as it is in person😊 Sharon

BFC1972 Tiffany – The Empty Tomb

Tzu’s version of Kentucky Triptych (with great hint)

From Tzu:

I’m happy to say I’m finished and even with my boo boo’s I absolutely love it ! my learning curve has taught me several things for my next one . Oh and while Im no where near y’alls level 2 things that greatly helped me and I quickly figured out was 1 while sewing panels of all embroidery together was to use quilting gloves the grip you get is fantastic and it never hurts the embroidery at all making feeding it to your machine a breeze , # 2 while my feed dogs and foot worked together the grip of my foot seemed to ever so slightly mis-align my pieces from bottom panel well a teflon foot ( I know supposed to be for leather lol ) stopped all the misalignment hope this helps someone 😉 . Here is my version of Kentucky Triptych

Tzu has not only come up with a beautiful version of this design but also given us a great hint for all designs that require stitching together.  Fantastic!  I’m going to use this next time – I always have at least one seam that no matter how hard I try gets a little bit *off*.

BFC1285 Kentucky Stained Glass Triptych


Agnes’ Stitches for her Church

From Agnes:  They brought tears to Monsignor Mitas’s eyes and I never expected that reaction.  When I gave him the Easter one in Holy Thursday, the reverence with which he held the parament was something to be witnessed.  That is how powerful these designs are.


BFC1144 Window-Christ Resurrected

BFC0495 Window-The Nativity

The Passion of Christ

It took a while to get everything together, but I finished the wall hanging at last!  I ended up using two layers of soft medium weight stabilizer for the designs.  I used a museum binding and have tabs on the back for hanging.  The sashing is a metallic ribbon, so it’s a little puckered.  But, overall, you can see the designs came out lovely!  It really made a nice Easter display.  Thanks for you help and advice!

My next project is the Eagle Owl — a pattern I bought years ago.  I’m focused now, so I’m really excited to get started on that challenge.  I’m even thinking of doing it on balsa wood!


Laura – you did a really beautiful job.  It looks very professional! I’m sure it brought joy to a lot of people.  How is the Owl coming :)??  Suz

BFC1178 The Passion of Christ