Large Embroidered Tote

From jc:

“I made this 24″ x 36″ 4 compartment tote to transport my wall hangings.

The handles are over 5 feet long and have a continuous embroidery design on them — Both the top and bobbin threads are continuous; no cuts or pieces.”

I LOVE Tote bags and use them for many things.  (that will be a tutorial later on) but I hadn’t thought of making one large enough for wall hangings.  I think this would be a great way to store our embroidered pictures when they aren’t gracing the walls.  You could hang them on hooks int he back of a closet or a similar space.  It would keep them clean and neat.  You could even make totes for different types!  I might add a zipper if I was going to use them for storage to make sure the embroideries didn’t get dusty.

This would be a great way to practice doing large designs too!  If there is a little *boo-boo* somewhere it wouldn’t matter and you would have very interesting Embroidery Tote bags!

Great Project jc!!!!

A Mermaid Bag

From Karen:  “I just finished  a bag  I have  been  designing     On what  fun      Thought you would  get a  kick  out  of  it    The embroidery is  done on black  velvet    The colors are what II saw last  time  I saw them  ggggggggg”

BFC0114 Women of Fantasy

Great Bag Karen – perfect for the tow ladies – the Mermaid and the Model!


I’ve always had a soft place in my heart for this mermaid.  I did her in Dec, of 2003 – I started the website in Nov. of that year so I was still very new to all of this.  I remember how excited I was when I discovered I could make her tail sheer .  LOL  I was afraid someone would be offended so back then I added something about if they  would prefer, the tail could be stitched two or three times.

QIH Peacock Paisley Bag

From Michael:

“I’m working on you Paisley Peacock Bag for my wife.  Your pictures do not do justice to the beauty of the embroidery design.  Scan the embroidery rather than taking a photo.   BTW I gave you this tip a few years ago, so pardon the repetition.  (I remember Michael!  We could do the same with large images but everyone would complain about them loading so slow…Suz) If you blow up the jpeg you can see as much detail as you would with a magnifying glass.  As you can see, I need to practice my free motion satin stitching and need to remove more jump stitches.. Mostly I used Sulky equivalents of your colors, but I added metallic accents and the eye filaments are done with # 2243 green/purple/gold variegated thread.”

BFC0756 QIH Peacock Paisley Bag