Anita’s Daydreams by Delight

It’s been a long time finishing! Surgery and recovery got in the way. But I’m so pleased with the design.🤩 Thank you Suz Makalinaw for this terrific design. My daughter is going to love it! Had to put glass over it so her kitties don’t destroy it.😉sorry about the glare😶

BFC2010 Delight’s Daydreams, Tiled Designs

June’s Autumn Leaves with Fibers

Wouldn’t that be nice!

Yes I use lots of fibers in my work!! I’d love to work with you. My time a the moment is limited because I am still working 2-3 days a week……at 68! However, I am planning to retire next June—earlier if ………..

I’ll send you some photos of my work.

I am feeling very honored with your suggestion.

I’ll send the pictures separately


This one is great June!  I do love your work too.


BFC0520 Window – Autumn Fantasy


Bernice’s Windows on the World – Russia

From Bernice:

Now I need to use one more of my “many” talents. The saying “better done than perfect” I did the embroidery about 15 years ago on my 180e, I knew it needed to be framed. Framing was something that Glen and I always did together! When I was drawing and painting we found out that the framing was very expensive. We spent time “antiquing for frames”. He would remake them and we cut our own mats. The design is from BFC designs, Suz is a great digitizer.

You did a great job framing this Bernice!

BFC0614 Windows on the World – Russia

Agnes’ Stitches for her Church

From Agnes:  They brought tears to Monsignor Mitas’s eyes and I never expected that reaction.  When I gave him the Easter one in Holy Thursday, the reverence with which he held the parament was something to be witnessed.  That is how powerful these designs are.


BFC1144 Window-Christ Resurrected

BFC0495 Window-The Nativity

JuDee’s Eagle


This is a picture of the eagle I made for my Son (School supt.) Hangs in his office.

(Took me “forever” to figure out how to get it off of my phone so I could send it to you)It turned out beautiful and he was so pleased when he opened his BD gift!!

I appreciate all of the help you gave me…..Thank you for making it possible


Hi Judee – I t looks beautiful.  I bet your son just loved it!  What a proud picture for him to hang in his office.  A symbol of our country and made by his Mom:)  Thank you!  Suz

BFC1662 Large Patriotic Eagle

Mark’s Taste of Italy!

Mark finally got his Windows of the World Italy framed and hung. He wanted me to send you a snapshot so you could see he actually got it done.

Anyway, Mark is a happy man now and he wanted me to share his ‘joy’ with you.


Zoom image

BFC0623 Windows on the World – Italy