Donna came across our BLOG recently and sent me photos of two of her projects.
The first is our Stained Glass Pheasant. I love the way Donna used the small butterflies to make a top for the picture – it really gives it all a nice finish.

I’m going to hold off on posting Donna’s second project. When I get a photo to post, I first find the set on the site so I can get the link, etc. I couldn’t find it! I thought it must not be in the right category. Not remembering the name made it harder. I enlisted Rick’s help and we looked at everything we could until something dawned on me. I still had Donna’s history in our database so I looked up her purchases and immediate saw *A spring Afternoon*. Yes – that’s the right set. So back to the site – it’s not there! So we had to start looking in our original site (we luckily saved everything from the old site – pictures, web pages, etc.). We found it, but then found out it was actually 4 separate sets having different options! This is going to take some figuring on how to add this to the new site! We must have set it aside when we entered everything…that will teach us!!
Thanks Donna!!!